Perkumpulan Pecinta Alam KUMAPALA Amik Bogor

Perkumpulan pecinta alam mahasiswa / mahasiswi amik bogor.

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Preparation of mountaineering

 1 Introduction Medan
     To cope with the terrain and hazards into account the subject of a climber must Master of the knowledge  of the terrain, map reading ie, compass and altimeter. Knowing the weather or climate change. Another way to know that the terrain face is to ask, with people who have climbed the mountain them. But the best way is to persons involved  the mountain with us.
2 Physical preparation
     Physical preparation for climbers in particular to the aerobic capacity and Muscle spasticity. Physical     fitness affects the transport of oxygen melelui the circulation in the muscles of the body, and this is important because the higher a the lower the amount of oxygen.
3. Preparation Team
     Determine team members and share the tasks and organize and plan all the costs associated with the rise.
4. Supplies and Accessories
     Preparation is the start of the mountaineering equipment. Facilities Mountaineering are usually expensive, but it is fair because it is protective layer Climbers to safety. Mount is a foreign environment for the organ Our bodies are accustomed to living at lower altitudes. For it is necessary appropriate equipment for climbers in the position, the amount of new attitude it. As with shoes, backpacks, clothing, tents, beds, equipment Cooking, food, medicine and others.

In sport climbing the mountain, there are two factors that influence the success or failure an ascent.
1. Internal factors
Which is a factor that comes from the climbers themselves. Does this factor well prepared to bring danger, because this problem preparation This is not good, either physical preparation, equipment, knowledge, skills and mental.

2. External factors
Which is a factor that comes from outside the climbers. This danger comes from the object Climbing (mountain), so a technique called object hazard. This danger, storm, rain, cold, dense forest avalanches and others. The accident happened in the mountains of Indonesia is usually caused by factors  internal. Curiosity and a sense of love and excessive thirst, Hold the roll, a disease that must be respected by everyone and limited-Restrictions on us.

The steps and procedures Ascent In general, the steps are usually performed by a group of nature lovers in mountain climbing activities involves three steps, namely:
1. Preparation The importance of preparing for mountaineering are:
Determination of treatment increases the Management Committee, the work is: Licensing climbing, budget calculation, the determination to plan increases, Preparation of equipment / transport and all sorts of other questions with the increase. physical and mental preparation of the climbers, this is usually done with Exercise regularly to improve conditions and maximum Respiratory endurance. Mental preparation can be done by searching / learning opportunities that arise unexpectedly, and they rose Prevention / resolution. 2. Implementation If you climb a mountain, climb not want to get advice first Instructions / manual or at least someone who has never climbed the mountain it, or it could be done with the knowledge of reading routes. To facilitate coordination, all participants were divided into three groups climbing, namely: - The Pioneer - Core - Group sweeper Each group appointed person, with field commanders (Responsible for coordination). Register your group on the climb of the books available at each base camp Climb, usually to members of the SAR or caretaker of the mountain. must remain in the group last position as follows: Pioneer past (With Guide), the initiative group in the middle, and the team behind the sweeper. No sometimes hesitate to those who warned that violating this rule. Despite the decline in permanent positions sought. After arriving in Peak base camp and forgot you did not verify the number of participants who know nothing left behind. 3. Rating Get used to the evaluation of the various activities you do because with the evaluation, we will know the shortcomings and weaknesses that we do. This to improve and quality (Vivat et floreat.)

thank you very much for your visit 

coding java gaji

selamat mlm untuk semuany salam kenal untuk kalian smuanya saya mau ikut posting tentang coding java,mungkin untuk para senior atau para master progremer atau coding mingkin coding ini hanya coding biasa tpi kalau untuk para nyubie atau saya sendiri ini sangat penting karena untuk pembelajaran saya dan kawan2 yg belum bsa memakai bahasa java.
ok nda usah lama basa basinya mari kita langsung aja ke topiknya?

ini ada sedikit soal tentang proses gaji para karyawan perusahaan minuman.

ok ini dia codingnya?

import java.util.*;
public class Gajikaryawan
    public static void main (String args[])
        String Nama, Temp;
        char Gol;
        double jk=0, GajiTotal=0;
        Scanner input=new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Masukan nama pegawai=");
        Nama=input.nextLine(); //input tipe data string
        System.out.print("Masukan golongan pegawai=");
        Gol=Temp.charAt(0); //input type data karakter
        System.out.print("Jumlah jam kerja=");
        jk=input.nextDouble(); //input untuk tipe data double
        if (jk>48)
            else if (Gol=='B'||Gol=='b')
            else if (Gol=='C'||Gol=='c')
            else if (Gol=='D'||Gol=='d')
            else if(Gol=='B'||Gol=='b')
            else if(Gol=='C'||Gol=='c')
            else if(Gol=='D'||Gol=='d')
        System.out.println("Total gaji=Rp."+GajiTotal);
        System.out.printf("\ntotal Gaji=Rp.%.2f\n",GajiTotal);

terimakasih atas kunjungan anda semua ke blog ini??
semoga bermanfaat,dan majukan terus untuk para calon progremer indonesia.
maaf bila ada kesalahan pengetikan ini sekali lagi mohon maaf?
salam damai semuanya.

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